Este ha sido un año diferente. Cuando empezamos el curso en septiembre no podíamos haber imaginado que no lo acabaríamos en junio como es habitual, y menos el alumnado de 4º de ESO, que no sólo no podrían realizar su deseado viaje de fin de curso, que iba a ser el primero en viajar a París, sino tampoco su Orla en junio.
Es por ello, que con la idea de que se llevarán un recuerdo de este final de curso 2019-2020 inesperado, se les propuso desde la materia de Inglés, realizar un artículo de algo que recordar de su trayectoria escolar, para realizar un periódico escolar digital. En él, podían hablar de diferentes tópicos, excursiones, etapas vividas en su colegio La Milagrosa de La Orotava, el colegio que ha sido parte de sus vidas durante 13 años.
Después de 3 meses de confinamiento y trabajando desde casa, apenas quedaban ganas para pensar y redactar algo que quisieran recordar. Sin embargo, unos cuantos alumnos se animaron a hacerlo y el periódico ha podido salir a la luz.
Un regalo para que se puedan llevar un recuerdo de este año peculiar que jamás van a olvidar.
This has been a different year. When we began the scholar year in September, we could not have imagined that we could not finish it at school as always, and less our students of 4th of Secondary, who could not only do their wished end of year trip, that it was going to be the first to travel to Paris, but neither the graduation in June.
Because of this, with the idea that they could have a souvenir of this unexpected final of the school year 2019-2020, they were proposed from the English subject to write an article about something they would remember in the scholar trajectory to make a digital school newspaper. In it, they could write about different topics, excursions, steps lived at their school of La Milagrosa, in La Orotava, the school that has been part of their lives for 13 years.
After 3 months of quarantine and working from home, they had not strength enough to think about what to write to remember. However, some of the students did it and with their participation the newspaper has been possible to be published.
A present they can take as a souvenir of this peculiar year, that they will never forget.